If you want to get from A to B in Bali as comfortably as possible, you have many options. In addition to renting a scooter that you drive yourself, there are also many taxi providers. You can find out which options are available and which taxi apps are available in the following article.
How much does a taxi cost in Bali?
Taxi rides in Bali are relatively cheap. However, prices can vary significantly depending on the provider. Therefore, no clear prices can be given here. But you can get very far for just a few Indonesian rupiah.
Taxi companies and taxi apps in Bali
In Bali, there are traditional taxi companies and modern apps that make it easy to organize a driver. In addition to taxis and apps, many accommodations also provide drivers to take you to your desired destination in Bali. Mobility is definitely not a problem on the Island of the Gods. Below is a brief overview of the most important taxi apps and taxi companies.
Bluebird Bali
Bluebird taxis in Bali have long been considered the most trustworthy. They were even recommended in travel guides because you could be sure that the taxis were in good condition and the drivers were trustworthy. A few years ago, other taxi companies tried to match Bluebird’s vehicles in terms of appearance (some even used a similar logo). Meanwhile, Bluebird taxis have plenty of serious competition, so the company’s golden days are behind it. Nevertheless, Bluebird continues to provide a good service – the app is also simple and functional.
Grab in Bali
Bluebird taxis have some pretty stiff competition from Grab, for example. Although the Grab company is based in Singapore, it is also active in Indonesia and especially in Bali. Grab taxis are usually booked via the Grab app, which is similar to the Uber app that is better known in Western countries. Ordering a Grab taxi in Bali is a very reliable process.
Gojek in Bali
The Gojek app is similar to Grab. However, the prices for a taxi ride with Gojek are sometimes so low that you have to wonder how the driver makes any money at all. The low prices may sound great to some users at first. However, you should question whether you really want to support this very cheap service and the correspondingly poor payment of the drivers. From a purely functional point of view, it has to be said that taxi bookings via Gojek also work reliably.
Conclusion: There are many good options for getting a taxi in Bali
If you are looking for a taxi in Bali, you will quickly find one. In addition to private drivers, who can often be organized by the operators of accommodation, there are several good providers of apps that can be used to conveniently order a driver or a taxi in Bali. If you use Bluebird, Gojek or Grab, you should almost always be able to book a ride.